Animation, motion graphics and illustration


Showreel 2020

Credits and my role:

00:00 - Everything
00:08 - Animation (Design and comp by Animaskin)
00:14 - Animation of characters, and design of the groups on the sides (Design and comp by BRIKK)
00:18 - Animation (Design by BRIKK)
00:25 - Animation (Design and comp by Animaskin)
00:39 - Everything
00:42 - Animation (Design and comp by BRIKK)
00:45 - Everything
00:48 - Animation
00:52 - Animation (Design and comp by Animaskin)
01:00 - Animation (Design by Crosby)
01:03 - Everything
01:07 - Animation (Design and comp by Animaskin)
01:14 - Illustrations around the cans and animation of the illustrations (Comp by Crosby)

Ola Angelman